There is POWER in your posture
Most of us are aware that non-verbal behaviour like posture, eye contact and movement greatly influence how others perceive us.
Such patterns are interestingly pretty universal too…. Watch another species’ social behaviours and you’ll soon notice that the less powerful in the group assume a hunched posture, with limbs covering more vulnerable body areas, curled up small, deflecting attention, to become completely “unseen”, while the dominant leaders (both animal and human) parade around stretching, scratching and putting it all on show.
But the way we hold and move our body also has a huge impact on our own internal world, and how we feel about ourselves. This is interesting because of course the way we feel about ourselves then goes on to influence how we are in the world, and what we can achieve.
Research study
In one study, participants were randomly assigned to two groups – to either adopt a high power pose or low power pose (see reel for examples) for 2 minutes before being put through a demanding interview.
The interviews were then coded by observers who were blind both to the hypothesis, and to group.
Those people who had assumed high power poses – for just two minutes, in private, before the interview, were rated significantly “better” than those who had held low power poses. In feedback, it wasn’t that the content of their interview was different particularly, but that they were experienced as more authentic, present, passionate and confident. They were able to bring themselves… and that shone through.
This research is really just a drop in ocean, and it’s fairly “old” in academic years, but it’s fair to say, if you are facing a situation which calls for you to “perform” at your best… sitting reading notes or looking at your phone beforehand won’t allow you to bring your best self forward.

Have a go!
Much better to find a quiet place for a couple of minutes and TAKE UP THAT SPACE! Let your body know you are safe and powerful, so that it can carry you through, working for your needs as it constantly does.
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