I came across this meditation in Her Blood Is Gold by Dr Lara Owen. Lara apparently learned it from Stephen Levine and, like me, loved it from the moment she heard it. She spoke of prolonging the practice by gently saying to herself after “soft belly” under her breath, becoming more and more aware of the subtle ways in which she held and tensed her belly through the day. The practice is perfect for an adult woman, but I have adjusted it slightly so that you can play with it whether or not you identify as a woman, or an adult. A belly is a belly after all.
You might start by focusing your attention on your belly – allowing it to soften and release. Find tension where it exists in your belly region and see if you can let it go – whatever that means to you. If it helps, you might invite some tension into your general belly area first – tense the muscles and hold, noticing how tight it can be there, then say softly to yourself “soft belly” and allow the tension to float away, and feel the release, the peace and easiness of having a soft, non-judgmental belly full of love and compassion and tenderness for the world and everything around you.
Soft Belly Meditation – The Script
Focus your attention into your belly area and say softly to yourself:
“soft belly”
Allowing tension to release and float away. Feel the release, the peace and easiness of being with your soft, non-judgmental belly, full of love and compassion and tenderness for the world and everything around you.
Let go into that softness and allow it to spread all over your body: feel the Lucious loveliness of your whole being and feel the juicy delicious humanness, femaleness, of having a soft and pliable, warm and comforting belly.

A place for babies to grow, a place for feelings to develop, warnings to be headed, for ideas to gestate, food to be digested and fully absorbed, a place for feelings to be worked on and out and through.
A place for cozy late-night suppers, and happy active early morning breakfasts, a place for comfort, for solitude, for lying on the earth feeling the hot sun on your warm back, soft as your tender loving belly caresses your mother, the Earth.
Relax even more deeply into your belly now. Feel the wholeness within you, love the round and full belly, the humanness of you, the pure femaleness of that full soft belly.
Let it go even more.
Softly, softly, your belly rounds out, lets go, and you are coming home, more and more at home with yourself, as you release the images of flat, masculine or teenage non-bellies – for now you are a woman who has given or can give birth to another being, and to do that, you need a belly.
So let your belly be.
Be proud of it, wear it in the world along with your big heart and your shiny eyes, wear your round soft tender loving belly out into the world and let it soften all around you with power.
When a child is crying, pull him onto your lap and let him sit on your belly.
When your inner child is crying, put your hands to your soft belly and rub it gently saying “its ok, I’m here, and here is our soft tender loving belly, the centre of being, the home of the womb, the centre of gravity, the deepest place within.
Nurture that belly space, for within it is the treasure trove of your love, creativity and your gifts for the world.