Clinical Psychology and Therapy Services ~ Herefordshire

Tag: #emotionregulation

You make sense

I vividly remember a conversation with my Mum at a really early age about something I didn’t understand in school, and she encouraged me to ask more questions “If you don’t get it, it’s likely that others won’t too”.

A route away from overwhelm for all ages

The three R’s

These three steps come from Bruce Perry, a neuroscientist working in the field of trauma, and are offered as a guide for how adults can best support vulnerable children to learn, think and reflect. But I see absolutely no reason why these steps should be saved for children only.

It’s not me, it’s my nervous system

It can be helpful to know that your reactions, behaviour, emotional responses and thought patterns in any moment will likely occur much faster than you can control with any positive thinking or snazzy distraction technique. Its really helpful to have strategies available, but the truth is, your experience is determined much less via conscious choice and much more by your early experience and the way your nervous system learned to respond to the world.

Using your sense of SMELL to get grounded

We rely on our senses to pick up on cues of danger or safety in our environment. Much of this happens out of our conscious awareness. A smell, even if it’s fleeting or faint, can quickly whip us far away from the present moment into a thousand different places, stories created from memories of long ago. Sometimes these places are kind, familiar, warm and safe. Sometimes less so.

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