My favorite definition of Embodiment comes from Hillary McBride, in The Wisdom of your Body, who describes it as:

the experience of being a body in a social context

Dr Hillary McBride

I also like to think of it as the moment at which knowledge in your mind becomes wisdom in your bones. The connecting bridge between mind and body – a tonic to the harmful Western separation of the physical from the spiritual.

I have observed the conversation about Embodiment feel much less accessible than this, and therefore wanted to share my thoughts.

What if becoming embodied began with pure and conscious connection with your basic needs?

If you feel safe enough to become more embodied, you might try:

☝🏼Getting really comfortable
☝🏼Attending to your temperature
☝🏼Attending to cues to go to the loo as soon as they occur
☝🏼Eat what you fancy, when you’re hungry
☝🏼Enjoy a warm drink
☝🏼Move your body in a joyful way, for pleasure and nothing else
☝🏼Rest and sleep

If you too have noticed yourself becoming caught up in “studying” embodiment via reading books and thinking, this is an invitation to gently turn your attention towards becoming genuinely embodied, and what that means to you, in your system.