Safe connection for whole health

A relationship to others is the single most important mechanism for the survival of a new born human baby. Without the messages shared within and between that bond, an infant would simply not survive.

But being “wired to connect” in this way doesn’t end in childhood.

One American longitudinal study followed a large group of people measuring a huge range of lifestyle factors and longevity (how long the sample lived).

The two largest predictors of longevity?

1) social connectedness – defined by the number of pleasant conversations people had in a day. Not necessarily deep and intimate but friendly and safe.

2) number of close and intimate relationships (defined simply by anyone you would call to take you to hospital if you were sick, or ask for money if you were skint.)

These two factors came above levels of stress, alcohol and cigarette consumption and many other health variables.

It’s not possible from these results to say that these two predictors CAUSED people to live longer, however the results are convincing enough to suggest that our social connectedness is vital for good health outcomes.

Like we ever needed convincing right? Because how good does it feel to connect? And that very feeling in itself is your bodies way of encouraging what it needs more of. Amazing.